Saturday, December 15, 2007

Episode 46

ROBIN is on a date with TY. They are eating at the Twenty Four Seven diner.

ROBIN - So honesty is the best policy in your book then huh?

TY - Yeah, it is. That's how I see it. If you're clear up front, there's no drama in the end. Don't you agree?

ROBIN - I fully agree one hundred percent. I feel you.

TY - Good.

ROBIN - So then let me ask you this.

TY - Sure.

ROBIN - Since you're honest Abe.

(TY laughs as he drinks his Coke.)

TY - Sure, go ahead.

ROBIN - Were you in here earlier like that waitress thought?

TY thinks - Oh shit!

(TY answers quickly and confidently.)

TY - Yeah, I was in here.

(ROBIN pauses.)

ROBIN - You were?

TY - Yep.


ROBIN - Why did you lie when that waitress asked you? I thought honesty is the best policy.

TY - It is, but what I do and with whom is definitely not the business of the waitress.

ROBIN - Good point.

TY - So I don't mind being up front with you. I'll tell you whatever you wanna know.

ROBIN - Really now?

TY - Sure. I aint playin' games and I aint got nothin' to hide.

ROBIN - Alright, who were you with when you were here?

TY - You sure you wanna know?

ROBIN - Yeah, I don't care. Humor me.

TY - I was with...

(The waitress walks up with their cheeseburgers.)

WAITRESS - Be careful guys, these plates are hot.

ROBIN - Thanks.

WAITRESS - Can I get you anything else?

TY - No we're cool.


(She walks away.)

ROBIN - So what were you saying?

(TY laughs.)

TY - You really wanna know huh?

ROBIN - Mmmmm hmmmmm.

(TY smiles as he picks his burger up.)

TY - I was here with PJ.



BREANNA and BRANDON are talking about relationships.

BREANNA - Brandon, let me be open with you.

(BREANNA sits up and becomes very serious.)

BREANNA - Do you know Dr. Jefferson in the psychology department?

BRANDON - Sure, I took him for world culture.

BREANNA - Yeah he does teach that doesn't he?

BRANDON - What about him?

BREANNA - Dr. Jefferson is the best looking professor on campus!

ALEX - Say it again.

(ALEX pulls BREANNA close as he sits on his desk.)

BREANNA - Dr. Jefferson...


BREANNA - the best looking...


BREANNA - ...professor...


BREANNA - ...on this campus!

(They hug and kiss again.)

ALEX - I love the way you say that Bree.

BREANNA - Well I love saying it.

ALEX - Mmmm hmmmm.

BREANNA - But Alex...

ALEX - Yeah?

BREANNA - I don't like fooling around in your classroom. I mean, what if someone were to walk in?

ALEX - Who would walk in now? Most of my students hate being here when they're supposed to be here. So you know they aint coming by when they don't have to.

BREANNA - Yeah but I feel so uncomfortable here. I can't really loosen up and be myself.

ALEX - I understand. Well let's get out of here then.

BREANNA - Okay, where do you want to go?

ALEX - How about the usual spot?

BREANNA - Sounds good to me.

ALEX - Okay let me just get my things together. I'll be right back sweetie.


(ALEX kisses her again then steps into his closet.)

BREANNA thinks - I can't wait til...

(ALEX's cell phone rings on top of his desk.)

BREANNA - Alex! Your phone is ringing!

(BREANNA picks the phone up and looks at the display.)

BREANNA - The name says Stace.

ALEX - Let it go to voice mail babe.


TY - I was here with PJ.


TY - How many PJs do you know?

ROBIN - Shut up!

(TY laughs, ROBIN smiles.)

TY - Yes, PJ the AKA.


(They both start eating.)

ROBIN - Well at least I appreciate your honesty. I don't know if I really wanted to know that now that I know though.

TY - I figured you didn't want to know. That's why I asked.

ROBIN - Yeah. I guess I know you'll never lie to me.

TY - I won't have to. I'm like an open book, nothing to hide. Just ask.

ROBIN - So have you had sex with her?

(TY spits his soda out.)

TY - Okay don't take it that far, God.

(ROBIN laughs.)

ROBIN - I'm just playing. I don't want you to answer that.

TY - Good because I wasn't.

(TY laughs.)

TY - This is the deal Robin. I think you're mad cool and I would like to hang out with you again. I don't want to disrespect you or nothin'. And like I said, if you see me now on the yard or something with PJ, then you know the deal. Now if you don't want to deal with me or this situation, by all means you don't have to. But that's up to you. And I respect you regardless.

ROBIN - Oh I know you respect me, you aint got no choice in that matter bruh!

(They both laugh.)

TY - See, that's what I'm talkin' about! I love your spunk.

ROBIN - Uh huh.

(They keep eating.)

TY - think you're still interested in hanging out with me? I'd like to see where this leads if you still want to.

(ROBIN looks directly at TY.)

ROBIN - Like I said Ty, your honesty is refreshing. Harsh at times but refreshing. I don't mind hangin' out with you either. So that's cool. We can chill.

TY - Good.

(They continue eating.)

ROBIN - So if I wanna hang out with you do I need to check with PJ first?

(TY laughs loud.)

TY - Hell naw. Ha ha ha ha!

ROBIN - Ha ha ha ha, I'm just kiddin'.

TY - Aight, but it isn't like that at all.

ROBIN - Okay.

(The both begin eating again.)

TY - So let me ask you, are you seeing anyone else?

(ROBIN smiles.)

ROBIN - Your honesty thing is a one way street sweetie. I aint tellin' you jack.

(ROBIN laughs.)

TY - Oh its like that huh?

ROBIN - Yep.

(She smiles.)

ROBIN - I'll be right back okay?

(ROBIN grabs her purse.)

TY - Going to the bathroom?

ROBIN - Yeah.

TY - Okay.

(ROBIN gets up and walks away. She pulls out her cell phone and dials quickly.)

ROBIN - Theresa! I need your help quick!

THERESA - You do? What's wrong soror!

ROBIN - Nothing! I need for you to get me PJ's phone number! Now!


WILLIE is walking from her dorm room. She pulls out her cell phone as soon as she gets into the hallway.

(WILLIE hits speed dial.)

DEXTER - Hello.

WILLIE - Hey wassup.


WILLIE - You busy?

DEXTER - Naw, hold on.

(DEXTER clicks over. WILLIE walks outside of her dorm.)

DEXTER - Hey wassup?

WILLIE - Nothin', wassup with you?

DEXTER - Chillin'. What's goin' on?

WILLIE - I just wanted to talk.

DEXTER - Okay.


DEXTER - What you wanna talk about?

WILLIE - Well...don't you think we should talk about what happened?

DEXTER - What happened?

WILLIE - The other day, when I was at your place. Don't you think we should talk about that?

DEXTER - Oh yeah. Sure.

WILLIE - Dexter what are we doing?

DEXTER - What are we doing? What you mean what we doin'?

WILLIE - Why can't we just leave each other alone?

DEXTER - Because you still want it.

(DEXTER laughs loud.)

WILLIE - I'm serious Dexter.

DEXTER - Okay okay damn. Willie you have a boyfriend who you claim to love and want to be with. So you need to be asking yourself these questions, not me.


DEXTER thinks - Oh God, now she's pissed.

DEXTER - I'm not saying that to be mean, but its the truth.

WILLIE - No, you're right. You're absolutely right. I do have Jason.

DEXTER - Yeah you do. And me and Jason are acquaintances. So it's not even cool for me to be kissin' on you right now anyway.

WILLIE - Well you had me first. You got some rights.

(They both laugh.)

WILLIE - I'm just kidding.

DEXTER - You're stupid.


WILLIE - But seriously Dex, I can't keep doing stuff like this. I really can't.

DEXTER - Like I said before, this is a conversation you need to be having with yourself. Not with me. When you get everything in order, then you call me.


WILLIE - I just might do that.

DEXTER - We'll see.


WILLIE - I gotta go.

DEXTER - Okay talk to ya later.

(They hang up.)

WILLIE thinks - I hate when he's right!

(She knocks on the door she just walked up to. The door opens.)

JASON - Hey baby wassup.

WILLIE - Hey. You busy? I wanna talk.


BREANNA and BRANDON are talking about relationships.

BRANDON - Are you serious!

BREANNA - Very! I never knew he was married, he never wore a wedding ring. I didn't know who Stace was, I never made the connection at all.

BRANDON - And his wife is your soror?

BREANNA - She was the chapter advisor!

BRANDON - Ooooh damn! I can't believe this!

BREANNA - I felt so stupid. I didn't know anything and I went to his house to surprise him and I meet Stacie.

BRANDON - Oh shit! This is the craziest story I've ever heard.

BREANNA - The story actually gets worse but that stuff is irrelevant. My point in telling you this is to say that sometimes we don't get what we expect. For some reason, I thought something between me and Alex was real. I fooled myself into thinking that he loved me and I gave in. Big time.


BREANNA - I should've known, hindsight is twenty twenty. There were so many signs that I didn't pick up on. I was so blinded by emotion that I never even considered the obvious.

BRANDON - What would you consider obvious?

BREANNA - We never went to his house.

BRANDON - Yeah, that is pretty blatant.

BREANNA - He said that because he was faculty and I was a student it wasn't really safe for me to ever go there. I believed him.


BREANNA - He told me that he obviously couldn't come see me in the dorm. He was faculty and would get in trouble. I believed him.


BREANNA - He told me that he loved me. I believed him.


BRANDON - How do you feel now? I you still love him?

(BREANNA pauses before she answers.)

BREANNA - No. Pledging allowed me to change my focus. When I went on line, I was heart broken and sad. I didn't know what to expect and all I wanted to do was lay down and cry until it was over. But the things we faced that we had no choice but to get over caused me to take that situation with Alex head on.


BREANNA - And I conquered it. I had to.

BRANDON - Man I can't believe that story. So is he going to get in trouble or anything? Can you report him?

BREANNA - That becomes my word versus his and the administration would probably believe him. I chalked it up as a tough life experience. But I'm moving on. I have to for my own piece of mind and sanity. I just want to leave it behind me and move on fresh and healthy.


BRANDON - Wow, well I am really sorry that that all happened to you. That is the craziest story ever. I think he should be reported or get his ass kicked at least!

(BREANNA is silent.)

BRANDON - Damn, I almost hate his ass now. That is so messed up.

(BREANNA is silent.)

BRANDON - You could even call the police and...are you okay?

BREANNA - Yeah, I'm fine.

BRANDON - Well what's the matter?

BREANNA - I don't know, I'd just rather leave the whole situation behind me. And change the subject.

BRANDON - Oh I'm sorry Breanna. You're trying to let go and here I am taking you to the precinct. I'm really sorry.

BREANNA - It's okay.


BRANDON - Come here.


(BRANDON stands up.)

BRANDON - Come here for a second.

(BREANNA stands up and approaches BRANDON.)

BRANDON - Look...

(He takes her hands.)

BRANDON - I know this was a traumatic experience for you. It must have been. I just want you to know that I got your back and if you ever need me for any kind of support, just let me know. I'm sorry that this happened to you and whatever you need, just ask.

(BREANNA smiles.)

BREANNA - Thank you.

(They hug.)

BREANNA whispers - Thank you so much.

(BRANDON hugs BREANNA tighter before he lets her go. As they come apart their faces come together. They stare into each other's eyes.)

BREANNA - Brandon...I...

(They come in closer.)

BREANNA whispers - Brandon...

(BREANNA closes her eyes and there is a knock on the door.)


BRANDON - Um...somebody is at the door.

(They back up from one another. BREANNA giggles.)

BREANNA -'ll right back.

(They let go of each other and BREANNA fixes her hair as she opens the door.)

BRANDON thinks - What the hell am I doing?

(He looks her direction. He can't see her, she is standing between the door and the hallway, holding the door open.)

BRANDON thinks - I need to get out of here and head home. I need to talk to Brendon.

(BRANDON gets up to leave as BREANNA comes back in the room.)

BRANDON - Hey listen, I think I need to...

BREANNA - Look at this...I got a special delivery letter from some lawyer. I don't know what this is about.

BRANDON - A lawyer?



BREANNA - Open it for me. I'm too nervous.


(WILLIE knocks on the door she just walked up to. The door opens.)

JASON - Hey baby wassup.

WILLIE - Hey. You busy? I wanna talk.

JASON - Sure, come on in.

(JASON kisses WILLIE as she walks in.)

WILLIE - What are you up to?

JASON - Nothin' much, I was talking to my mom on the phone. My little brother hit a home run on Saturday in his little league game.

WILLIE - Oh that's nice.

JASON - Yeah. Let me hang up with her. Hold on.

WILLIE - You don't have to...

JASON - Naw, its cool. We were hanging up anyway. Hold on.

WILLIE - Okay.

(WILLIE sits down as JASON picks the phone up.)

JASON - Hey Mom? Yeah, let me go. Willie just got here. Oh okay. Sure. Okay. Bye.

(He hangs up.)

JASON - My mother said hi.


(JASON sits down.)

JASON - So wassup? What you wanna talk about?

WILLIE thinks - God help me.

WILLIE - I wanted to ask you something.

JASON - Sure.

WILLIE - What do you think about our relationship? Like where do you see us going?

(The phone rings.)

JASON - I won't answer that.

WILLIE - But it may be your mother calling back.

(JASON looks at the phone as it rings again.)

JASON - Yeah you're right. Okay hold on.

(He gets up and grabs it.)

JASON - Hello?

BOBBY - Hey man did you hear about Quinton?

JASON - Naw but can I call you back? I'm right in the middle of something.

BOBBY - Cool, no problem.

JASON - Thanks. I'll hit ya back.

BOBBY - Aight.

(They hang up and JASON sits back down.)

JASON - I'm sorry.

WILLIE - It's okay. I was just wondering what you thought about us, where you see us going. Stuff like that.

JASON - Well, I'm happy with you and I try and make you happy too.

WILLIE - Yes you do.

JASON - And as far as the future, I mean, I don't know. I just really take one day at a time. I don't think we have any major issues. I just like to keep things the way they are, ya know. We have a great time when we're together. We talk all the time when we're not together. So its real cool. Ya know?

WILLIE - Yeah. Cool.


JASON - Why do you ask? Or let me ask you, what do you feel about the relationship? How do you feel about your man.

(JASON laughs. WILLIE doesn't.)

JASON - What's the matter?

(WILLIE turns away and holds her finger next to her eye to stop a tear from falling.)

JASON - Willie what's wrong?

WILLIE - Nothing.

JASON - No something is definitely wrong. Are you feeling okay? Is it something I did?

WILLIE - Oh God no. You're perfect.

JASON - Then what...why are you crying?

(WILLIE can't hold it any longer and a tear falls from her eye.)

WILLIE - Jason you are so beautiful. You're so perfect.


JASON - Thanks, but why does that make you cry?

WILLIE - Because...I don't deserve you. It isn't you, it's me.

JASON - What?

WILLIE - It's me Jason. I don't think I'm good enough for you.

JASON - What? That's crazy. What are you talking about?

WILLIE - I don't deserve you Jason. I just don't. I'm not ready for this kind of relationship. When we first started, I didn't know I would love you the way...I didn't know you could love me the way that you do.

JASON - Well I do. So what's wrong with that?


WILLIE - It's deeper than I expected or imagined...

(She takes a long pause.)

WILLIE - ...and I don't think I can handle it anymore.

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