Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Episode 15

SHARONDA is telling her cousin MONA about BRANDON. She seems to be adding a little bit to the story as MONA is eating it up.

SHARONDA - Well, I trained Brandon and worked with him for four days like Hayden told me to. But the more I worked with him on a one on one setting, the more I realized that Hayden was right. Brandon wasn't ready to be frat. He's too young. Too young in the mind. He was not ready by a long shot.
MONA - Dag! So what happened next?

(SHARONDA takes BRANDON into an empty room in the Sigma house on Amgis' campus. She closes the door behind them.)

SHARONDA - Brandon, what is your problem?
BRANDON - What? What are you talking about big sister?
SHARONDA - Don't even call me big sister Brandon! You are embarrasing me! Good Lord, you have to be the worst Crescent I have ever seen! You can't remember anything! You have no rhythm! And you look scared and weak half the time!
SHARONDA - Yes you do!
BRANDON - Well help me! What should I do?
SHARONDA - I'm trying to help you but God, you aren't making it easy for me! You're making it more difficult!

(BRANDON starts to cry.)

MONA - He started crying? Ha ha ha ha!
SHARONDA - Wait, let me finish the story!
MONA - Okay, ha ha ha, I'm sorry.
BRANDON crying - You have to help me big sister! Please!
SHARONDA - See Brandon, that's what I'm talking about! You're crying! You're not supposed to cry in front of me! Be a man! Damn!
BRANDON crying - But I can't! I don't know how!
SHARONDA thinks - Oh Lord!
BRANDON crying - Heeeeeeelp me!
BRANDON - Pleeeeeeease!


SHARONDA - Okay, I'll give you one more chance. Let me see how much you know so far, and then I can tell how much you need to learn.

(BRANDON smiles.)

BRANDON - Yes! Yes! Thank you! Thank you!

SHARONDA - Okay Brandon, how many founders does Phi Beta Sigma fraternity incorporated have?


BRANDON crying - I don't know! I don't know!
(BRANDON plops down on the floor and crosses his arms.)

MONA - What! He plopped down like a spoiled little kid?
SHARONDA - Oh that isn't the worst of it! Wait til you hear what happened next!


PJ is in her room contemplating making an important phone call.

PJ thinks - I just need to take a nap, then I'll feel better.

(PJ looks at herself in the mirror, then pulls her eyelids down and looks closely at her own eyes.)

PJ thinks - I don't even feel sleepy, but I sure look sleepy. Damn.

(PJ walks past the phone, stares at it, then lays down on the bed.)

PJ thinks - Okay I was supposed to call home today. Dag, I forgot and I know dad went to work by now. I'll call tomorrow.

(PJ looks at the clock on her dresser.)


PJ - Man, forget this!

(PJ pops up and grabs her phone. She dials.)

JOSEPH - What's up PJ.
PJ - Hey man, what's the deal?
JOSEPH - Makin' it happen baby, makin' it happen. What can I do for ya? I'm runnin' around.
PJ - Oh okay. Where are you? I wanna hit you up if you're nearby.

(JOSEPH puts the phone down and speaks to someone else as PJ overhears.)

JOSEPH - Uh yeah PJ. You wanna get together? Um...I can swing by I guess. I'm across town right now though. But it's kinda out of my way.
PJ - Well let's meet somewhere. That way you won't have to come all the way to Ahpla.
JOSEPH - Okay where? You got a ride?
PJ - I'll get one. Let's meet at the twenty four seven diner.
JOSEPH - You know you askin' a lot don't you? I'm runnin' around.
PJ - I know man. I won't take long.
JOSEPH - Well this time will have to cost you. I mean, I can't keep coming out of my way ya know.
PJ - Cost? Cost what?
JOSEPH - Not much. Just ten bucks. You're my girl so I got your back.
PJ - Oh...aight man.
JOSEPH - Cool. I'll see ya in...
PJ - Twenty minutes.
JOSEPH - Bet. Twenty minutes.

(They hang up.)

PJ thinks - Damn.

(PJ dials again.)

JAHANNA - Hello.
PJ - Hey. What's up?
JAHANNA - Nothing much. How are you?
PJ - Cool. Listen, can you take a minute to drive me to the diner? I justhave to pick up a...package from somebody meeting me there.
JAHANNA - Why don't you just use the car. I'm about to study.
PJ - Use your car?
JAHANNA - Yeah. It's cool.

(PJ hesitates.)

PJ - Okay cool. I'll be right down to get the keys from ya.


SHARONDA - Brandon! Brandon! Stop acting like a little kid! Come on!

(BRANDON kicks his shoes off and pouts.)

SHARONDA thinks - Oh this is ridiculous...this is simply ridiculous!
SHARONDA - See Brandon, this is what I'm talking about! There is no way you're ready to become a Sigma man! Sigma men are men first! You're just too young man! Gosh!
BRANDON - I am not!
SHARONDA - You are too!
BRANDON - I am not!
SHARONDA - You are too!
BRANDON - I am not! I am not! I am not!


SHARONDA - Okay Brandon okay. Whatever you say man. I don't want to argue with you. Just put your shoes back on.
BRANDON - You're gonna help me?
SHARONDA - Yes. I will help you Brandon.

(BRANDON starts to put his shoes back on.)

SHARONDA - Okay let's start all over from the beginning. And I'll take it slow.
SHARONDA - Tell me why you want to be a Sigma in the first place. Let's start there.
BRANDON - Okay cool! For the colors! Blue and white look great together!
MONA - Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Girl you are lying!
SHARONDA - Wait, there's more!
BRANDON - I just love the colors!


SHARONDA - The colors?
BRANDON - Yeah, the colors.
SHARONDA - And that's your only reason?
BRANDON - Pretty much.

(BRANDON smiles.)

SHARONDA - Brandon, you don't pledge a fraternity just for the colors. That's shallow. You pledge a fraternity because the ideals of the organization are what you relate to and want to contribute to and be a part of. And that's just one of several better reasons than just the colors.
BRANDON - Really?
SHARONDA - Yes really. I love blue and white too. But that isn't why I chose
Zeta Phi Beta sorority incorporated.
MONA - By the way, why did you choose Z Phi Boo?
SHARONDA - Don't get your ass kicked!

(SHARONDA and MONA laugh together.)

SHARONDA - At least I get love on my campus heffer! Your sorors can't stand your ass!
MONA - They just jealous! Ha ha ha ha! Shut up! Finish the story!
SHARONDA - There are hundreds of better reasons than that Brandon.
BRANDON - There are?
SHARONDA - Yes. Several. Hundreds.


(BRANDON slowly sits down and stares at the floor.)

SHARONDA - What's the matter?

(SHARONDA sits next to BRANDON.)

SHARONDA - What's wrong?
BRANDON - Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm not cut out for this. Ya know? Maybe this is more than I bargained for.
SHARONDA thinks - I mean...yeah!
BRANDON - You know what I'm sayin'? Maybe I made a mistake by doing this.
SHARONDA - Well what do you want to do? You don't want to be a quitter do you?


BRANDON - Wait, I got an idea.

BRANDON - My brother!
BRANDON - Brendon! You can help Brendon cross into Phi Beta Sigma instead of me! He has always wanted to be greek and he is way more ready than I am!
SHARONDA - But...but that's crazy! I can't do that!
BRANDON - Why not? Oh please Sharonda! That would make everything better! He deserves this more than I do! Come on please!
MONA - So he asked you to cross his twin instead of him? That was his idea?
SHARONDA - Yep! Then got mad at me when I tried to do it!
MONA - Whoa!
SHARONDA - I'm pissed about it. That's the problem with neos these days! They don't respect their elders!
MONA - Calm down cuz. It's over with now. Just forget about it.
SHARONDA - I've tried. But the more I think about it, the more pissed I get.
MONA - At least it's all over with now. Just move on.
SHARONDA - Actually, it ain't over yet.
MONA - It ain't?

(SHARONDA smiles.)

SHARONDA - Let me tell you about his relationship with Denice!


It's a sunny day on the campus of Amgis College. It is noon and there are many students on the yard. The buzz around campus is that the brothers of Phi Beta Sigma will be coming on the yard with their new line to do a probate show.

STUDENT - Are you sure the Sigmas are coming out? I thought it was supposed to be at eleven.
STUDENT - Naw, I thought it was at twelve, so it should be soon.
STUDENT - But I got class, dag!
STUDENT - I'll tell you how it goes! Ha ha ha ha! Go ahead to class! Ha ha ha ha!
STUDENT - Shut up man! Dag, I don't wanna miss it!

(The student looks at his watch.)

STUDENT - I'll give em ten more minutes!

(They both laugh.)

DENICE - I can't wait to see the boys step!
SALEEMA - Yeah. Did you go to any of the step practices?
DENICE - Nope. I wanted to be surprised! I can't even imagine half of them stepping!
SALEEMA - Yeah, they had a hard time marching on beat! Ha ha ha ha!

(As DENICE and SALEEMA laugh, DENICE notices a familiar face in the crowd.)

DENICE - Is that Gregg?
SALEEMA - Where?
DENICE - Yeah that is...
XAVIER - Gregg!

(GREGG turns toward XAVIER.)

GREGG - What man?
XAVIER - Dude, you keep fadin' out. It's like your with me one minute, and gone the next.
GREGG - Hey, coming over here to Amgis wasn't my idea. It was your's remember?
XAVIER - And this is the exact reason I knew you needed to get out. You have been moping around the house for a week. You need to get out man. What's done is done and what's in the past is in the past.
GREGG - Easy for you to say.
XAVIER - I know it's hard G. I never said it wasn't. But you can't die man. You have to move on.
GREGG - I thought I could but...

(Both XAVIER and GREGG turn around as they hear a very loud Blue Phi from across the yard. All the students turn to look.)

HAYDEN - Blue Phi!
SIGMAS - You know!

STUDENT - Oh look! Here they come now!

(The crowd begins to quickly move in the direction that the Sigmas and the line are marching in.)

GREGG - Let the games begin huh?
XAVIER - Hmmm.

(XAVIER laughs.)

XAVIER - Come on man, let's check them out.

(As they approach the rest of the crowd, the Sigmas line up and begin their show.)

SETH - Blue Phi!
SIGMAS - You know!
SETH - Blue blue blue blue phi!
SIGMAS - You you you you know!
SETH - Ladies and gentlemen! Brothers and sisters! We the brothers of Phi Beta Sigma fraternity incorporated want to welcome you to our yard show! So sit back...relax...and watch as the brot...

XAVIER - Hey G...doesn't that dude look familiar?
GREGG - Who? The cat talkin'?
XAVIER - No no no! The other one! The one lined up!
GREGG - Where?
XAVIER - Right there! Oh shoot! That's...
GREGG - No! It can't be!
XAVIER - That is! That's that nigga Ahmad!
GREGG - What! Are you sure?
XAVIER - Look!

(GREGG looks closer.)

XAVIER - That's him! That's that nigga Ahmad! The same dude that was on line
for Kappa at Ahpla and dropped!


PJ gets the keys to JAHANNA's car and proceeds to the Twenty Four Seven diner
to meet JOSEPH.

PJ thinks - I can't believe that brother said ten dollars! I mean dag! I was gettin' the straight hook up before this!

(PJ sees the diner just up ahead.)

PJ thinks - I won't take a pill until I get home this time. I don't want to start trippin' while I'm driving like that one time! That was stupid.

(PJ pulls into a parking lot at the diner and looks for JOSEPH's car.)

PJ thinks - Joseph isn't here yet?

(PJ sees his empty car parked on the side.)

PJ thinks - Oh, there's his car but where is he?

(PJ parks JAHANNA's car and gets out.)

PJ thinks - I thought he was in a hurry. Maybe he got hungry.

(PJ walks into the diner and looks around.)

PJ thinks - Where in the world is...oh!

(PJ sees JOSEPH coming from the restroom. He sees her and smiles.)

PJ thinks - There he is.

(JOSEPH walks up.)

PJ - What's up dude.
JOSEPH - Come on, let's go out to the car.
PJ - Aight.

(They turn to walk out.)

PJ - Ten dollars man?
JOSEPH - Hey, I got overhead! Ha ha ha ha!
PJ - Man whatever!

(They get outside and walk up to the back of JOSEPH's car.)

JOSEPH - Let me pop the trunk. You got the cash?
PJ - Yeah, I got it right here.
JOSEPH - Okay cool.

(JOSEPH opens his trunk.)

JOSEPH - You want two like usual?
KATRICE - No! She won't be having any!

(PJ turns around and is shocked to see KATRICE standing there.)

KATRICE - You heard me! PJ won't be having any! Now get your shit and get the hell out of here!
PJ - Katrice! What are you doing here!
KATRICE - You think I believed your lame ass story PJ? I know you better than that! I love you and I know when you need me line sister!

(JOSEPH closes his trunk.)

PJ - Katrice...I...uh...

KATRICE - Shut up PJ! Let me handle this.

(KATRICE turns to JOSEPH.)

KATRICE - I don't want you around my line sister! Take your stuff and leave her alone!

(KATRICE steps toward JOSEPH.)

JOSEPH - PJ, what's up with your girl?
KATRICE - Don't test me nigga!

(KATRICE clinches her fists.)

KATRICE - PJ is my sister and I ain't gonna let you screw her up! If I ever see you talking to her again it's gonna be on!

(JOSEPH smiles...KATRICE doesn't. JOSEPH pulls out his keys and opens his door. He gets in the car and starts it.)

KATRICE - Don't say anything PJ. Just let him drive away.

(PJ is silent as JOSEPH backs up, turns, and drives out of the Tweny Four Seven diner parking lot.)


The brothers of Phi Beta Sigma fraternity of Amgis College are on the yard and about to begin stepping for the huge crowd that has gathered to see them.

SETH - Are yall ready?

(The crowd screams yes.)

SETH - I said are yall ready!

(The crowd screams louder.)

SETH - Aight! Bros! Are yall ready!
SIGMAS - Hell yeah!
STUDENT - Hook it up Calvin!

(SETH begins by jumping up and down to begin the step.)

SETH - Ha! Ha! Have you had your!

(SETH spins around and claps behing his back.)

SIGMAS - Have you had your!

(The crowd hollers as the new Sigmas begins stepping with SETH out front.)

GREGG - Dude, that can't be him! How can you tell? They have face paint on!
XAVIER - Gregg I know! Take away the facial hair! Remember? He was clean shaven before! He grew facial hair!
GREGG - But didn't he wear glasses too?

(XAVIER doesn't answer, but continues to stare at AHMAD as they finish their first step.)

DENICE - Go frat!
SALEEMA - That was good! I'm impressed!
DENICE - Yeah! Look at my baby Brandon!
COREY - Do that shit blue!
VINCENT - Hook that shit up frat!
SETH - Before we go any further, we want to formerly introduce to the Amgis yard the new brothers of blue and white runnin' thangs around here! We are Blue Phive!
SIGMAS - You know!
SETH - I said...we are Blue Phive!
SIGMAS - You know!
SETH - First, let me introduce ny lb Calvin!

(CALVIN jumps out of line.)

CALVIN - Hey! Hey! What yall know about that Blue Phive clan!

(CALVIN stands at attention and the crowd cheers for him.)

SETH - Calvin is a junior here at Amgis and...

ERIC - Yo Nupes!

(GREGG and XAVIER turn around and see their fraternity brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi from Amgis College.)

GREGG - Yo, what's up Nupe!
ERIC - What's the deal playa?
XAVIER - Yo Eric, is that Ahmad on the Sigma line?
ERIC - Who?
XAVIER - Does he go to school here? Is his name Ahmad?

(XAVIER points to AHMAD.)

XAVIER - That one right there!
ERIC - I don't know him. You know him B?
BEN - Yeah, I got a class with him now. Yeah, that's Ahmad. Why?

(XAVIER looks at GREGG, then back at ERIC and BEN.)

XAVIER - That dude was on line for Kappa at Ahpla!
BEN - What?
GREGG - Yeah! He used to go to Ahpla! He dropped our line!
ERIC - Are you serious?
XAVIER - Serious as a heart attack! That's him! I knew it! I knew it!
GREGG - Yo man, we need to pull his ass up!
BEN - Yeah we do!
XAVIER - I can't believe that nigga pledged Sigma after he professed his love for Kappa!
GREGG - We need to pull him up right now!
ERIC - Hell yeah! Let's stop this show right now!

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