The brothers of Iota Phi Theta have left their two pledgees COLIN and SEAN alone. COLIN is becoming rather upset with SEAN.
(The Iota brothers are talking amongst themselves and laughing as they leave the room. The door closes as they walk into the hall and toward the elevator. DR. MWATSUMI collapses on the floor.)
CENTAUR SEAN - Doctor! Are you okay?
(DR. MWATSUMI is breathing heavy.)
CENTAUR SEAN - If you want, you can have my sprite. Maybe that'll make you feel better.
CENTAUR COLIN - I'll feel a few...minutes...
(He pauses.)
CENTAUR COLIN - ...when I can muster...enough strangle you!
CENTAUR SEAN - Strangle me? But...but why? What did I do? I didn't make you do push ups.
(COLIN slowly sits up and tries to catch his breath. He wipes the sweat off of his head.)
CENTAUR COLIN - Let me explain to you what they are doing Sean. Apparently when you mess up and give a ridiculous answer, they take it out on me. The fact that you placed an order for food at Wendy's is the reason I am on the floor doing sit ups.
CENTAUR COLIN - Sean my boy, think about it. They had one of us doing push ups, and one of us sitting comfortably.
CENTAUR COLIN - They had one of us doing exercises and calisthetics. The other ordering food.
CENTAUR SEAN - Hey, you're right!
CENTAUR COLIN - The whole point of the pledge process and to be on line is to build unity. Is it not?
CENTAUR SEAN - It sure is.
CENTAUR COLIN - Well, how are we being unified at all when one is relaxing and one is being tortured?
CENTAUR COLIN - Think Sean think!
CENTAUR SEAN - You're so right! I wasn't even thinking! I'm sorry Doctor!
CENTAUR COLIN - It's okay Sean. This is a learning process for both of us. But let us do just that...learn.
CENTAUR COLIN - So listen to me very carefully. The big brothers will be back real soon.
CENTAUR SEAN - Okay, I'm listenin'.
CENTAUR COLIN - From now on, we have to think as one. We have to work with one another, not against one another.
CENTAUR COLIN - We have to make things easier for each other, not harder for both of us. And I have a feeling that this is just the beginning.
CENTAUR SEAN - Oh, I'm sure.
CENTAUR COLIN - So let's do this the intelligent way, not the hard way.
CENTAUR SEAN - Okay! How are you feeling? Are you okay?
CENTAUR COLIN - Yeah, it'll take more than a few push ups to get this old man's spirit down!
(DR. MWATSUMI pounds his chest and then begins to cough.)
CENTAUR SEAN - Ha ha ha ha! Don't hurt yourself...old man.
(DR. MWATSUMI laughs.)
CENTAUR COLIN - So let's be sure we are ready for the big brothers when they get back.
CENTAUR SEAN - Good idea. But how do we do that?
(DR. MWATSUMI thinks for a moment.)
CENTAUR COLIN - Listen to this idea and tell me what you think!
JUNE is playing BUCK in basketball to try and win his affection back. She is one point away from losing and it has started to rain harder on the two of them. BUCK has been reading JUNE's letter while beating her in basketball.
(It has started to rain harder but they continue to play. BUCK continues to read. BUCK continues to make shots.)
BUCK - Ten to one. Game point.
JUNE thinks - I can't believe this!
JUNE - Don't my words have any affect on you?
BUCK - D up.
JUNE - Wait!
BUCK - Give me the ball.
JUNE - Wait! I mean every word in that letter! I'm pouring my heart out to you! Doesn't that mean anything?
BUCK - I told you I'm not in the mood to talk and I'm not in the mood for an apology. It's not my fault you chose to play me in basketball. This is my craft.
JUNE - But you could've took it easy on me.
BUCK - Give me the ball so I can go home.
JUNE - Fine!
(JUNE throws him the ball and he reads the last line of the letter. It's pouring down raining and he can barely read what's on the page.)
BUCK reads - ...and I can admit that I am...
(He stops bouncing the ball and stares at the letter.)
BUCK reads - ...that I am falling in love with you.
(As BUCK drops the ball, JUNE quickly grabs it. She quickly thinks about turning around and shooting it toward the basketball, but she just holds onto the ball instead.)
BUCK - You''re falling in love
(JUNE starts to cry, even through the rain that has completely covered her face and body.)
JUNE - I...I'm sorry Buck for what happened. I love you.
BUCK thinks - Damn.
(BUCK slowly walks toward JUNE and opens his arms. She runs to his chest and hugs him and he picks her up.)
BUCK - I'm sorry I was being an ass baby. I just don't know how to deal with pain.
JUNE - I know Buck. I know.
BUCK - I bury everything in basketball. I'm sorry!
JUNE - Shhhh...just hold me.
BUCK - Maybe we should go inside and get out of this rai...
JUNE - Shhhhhhhh.
(BUCK and JUNE stand on the basketball court holding each other.)
DERRICK - Hey man, aren't you gonna invite me in? It's raining out here.
RONNIE - What did you just ask me?
DERRICK - Come on Ronnie, let me in man!
(RONNIE steps aside and DERRICK walks into the Omega house.)
DERRICK - Thanks man! It's pouring outside!
RONNIE - Now what did you say to me fool?
DERRICK - Yeah man, I saw this flier and I grabbed it. It says that yall are having an interest meeting for your frat and I wanna find out what I got to do to be chosen and to become a member.
(DEXTER looks up from where he is sitting.)
DEXTER thinks - What did that nigga just say?
DERRICK - Yeah, so what I gotta do to be down? Me and you go way back Ronnie, so tell me what I gotta do.
RONNIE - Derrick, you ain't never expressed an interest in Que. Why now?
(DERRICK smiles.)
DERRICK - Well look fellas...
(DERRICK looks around to see if anyone in the house is listening, as if what he is going to say is top secret information.)
DERRICK - I guess I can tell you guys the deal. Ha ha ha ha. Check this out!
(RONNIE and DEXTER listen.)
The door knob turns and the door opens. CENTAUR SEAN and CENTAUR COLIN line up next to one another.
RICHARD - Man you stupid! Ha ha ha ha!
SAIFA - Whatever man! You know I'm right!
SAM - Well I think both of yall negroes should...
CENTAURS - Greetings Big Brothers of Iota Phi Theta fraternity incorporated!
(SAIFA leans over to RICHARD.)
SAIFA whispers - Who taught them a greeting?
(RICHARD shrugs.)
SAM - Did you guys get your act together?
CENTAURS - Yes Big Brother Goldfinger! It's a new's a new tradition! A new tradition at Ahpla, a new tradtion in Iota!
SAM - Well alright then! Ha ha ha ha.
RAY - Centaurs.
CENTAURS - Yes Big Brother Brown Bomber!
RAY - You want some of this Wendy's food?
CENTAURS - No Big Brother Brown Bomber!
RAY - But we bought this food for you Centaur Sean. You don't want it now?
CENTAUR SEAN - Big Brother Brown Bomber, thank you for your generosity. But we have been feeding on the knowledge of Iota and are no longer hungry.
(RAY reaches in the Wendy's bag and starts to eat some french fries.)
RAY - Okay, suit yourself.
SAIFA - Hey Centaurs.
CENTAURS - Yes Big Brother The Man with the Hoof!
SAIFA - What have you two been discussing since the brothers left you?
CENTAUR SEAN - I learned to calm down a little big brother.
CENTAUR COLIN - And I learned to spread my wealth of knowledge. And we both learned to work together and coordinate.
CENTAURS - It's a new tradition! A new tradition at Ahpla, a new tradtion in Iota!
SAIFA thinks - Okay, I'm kinda impressed.
RICHARD - Well it seems as if you guys are ready. That is good because men of Iota don't waste time, we do the damn thing.
RAY - Ow! Ow!
RICHARD - We got a lot to learn and a lot to get accomplished. We're gonna see just how well you guys do work together right now.
(RICHARD goes into his bag and pulls out a notebook. He tears a sheet out of it.)
RICHARD - This is your first lesson in working together. On this sheet are a few things that you have to do. Getting this stuff accomplished will test your ability to lean on one another and get it done. Do you understand?
CENTAURS - Yes Big Brother Centaur King! It's a new tradition! A new tradition at Ahpla, a new tradtion in Iota!
RICHARD - Good, I like that. Okay here ya go.
(RICHARD hands CENTAUR SEAN the list.)
RICHARD - Get to it. You don't have a lot of time.
(SEAN whispers to Dr. MWATUSMI.)
CENTAUR SEAN whispers - We will have to use your car to do this doctor.
CENTAUR COLIN whispers - Okay, well let's go.
(SEAN and the doctor quickly make their way to the door and leave out.)
CENTAUR COLIN - Let me see the list.
(SEAN hands it to him.)
CENTAUR COLIN - Okay, we're gonna have to split up to do this assignment. The places we'll have to go to get these items are across town from each other. If we both go, it will take us all day.
CENTAUR SEAN - Okay, well if you take me to my car, then I can drive on my own and you can go the other way.
CENTAUR COLIN - Good idea! Let's split the list in half, and get it done in half the time!
CENTAUR SEAN - Okay! I'll go to the hardware store and get this order for the brown and gold paint, the bricks and this wood stuff.
CENTAUR COLIN - Good! I'll go to the supermarket and get these menu items and then I can stop by Kinkos on the way back and get this brown paper.
(They go together to Dr. MWATSUMI's car and drive to SEAN's car.)
CENTAUR COLIN - Okay, I'll meet you back here in half an hour.
CENTAUR SEAN - Okay great! It's a new tradition!
CENTAUR COLIN - A new tradition at Ahpla, a new tradtion in Iota!
(They shake hands and SEAN gets out. Dr. MWATSUMI drives off.)
CENTAUR SEAN - Oh shoot! I don't have my wallet on me! Let me run upstairs and get it.
(SEAN runs up to his room.)
CENTAUR SEAN thinks - I don't have a lot of time so let me grab the wallet and roll.
(SEAN grabs his key and opens his door and sees his father sitting in his room at his desk.)
MONA is in her room reading for one of her classes.MONA thinks - Okay this is boring. I need something more exciting to do.
(MONA closes her book and turns the television on.)
MONA thinks - Oh, I know what I wanna do!
(MONA gets up and goes into her closet. She reaches up on the top shelf and pulls down a book which was hidden underneath some sweaters.)
MONA thinks - Here it is!
(She closes the closet and sits down with THERESA's Delta Sigma Theta pledge book.)
MONA thinks - Now, let me see how Delta gets down on Ahpla's campus.
(MONA props up her feet, opens the book, and begins to read.)
MONA reads - Assignment number one. Your task is to find your way back to Delta headquarters. The first thing you have to do is...
(MONA slams the book shut.)
MONA - Oh my God!
(MONA jumps up.)
MONA - This is great! This is wonderful!
(MONA quickly takes the book over to her desk and sits down. She turns on her lamp and grabs a notebook and pen.)
MONA - Finally, I'll have my own book!
(MONA flips to the center of THERESA's book.)
MONA thinks - Oh, this is a great section to start at!
MONA reads - History. Your big sisters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority incorporated were smart enough and cunning enough to found the sorority in the year nineteen thirteen, on the campus of Howard University.
(MONA writes in her own book.)
MONA writes - History. Your big sisters of...Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority incorporated were smart enough and cunning enough to found the sorority in the oh eight, on the campus of Howard University.
MONA reads - Public service and sisterhood are the foundational principles of this sorority.
MONA writes - Public service...and sisterhood...are the ...foundational...principles of this...sorority.
(MONA smiles.)
MONA thinks - This is great! My very own book!
MONA reads - History Assignment. You have one day to memorize the founders of Delta Sigma Theta sorority incorporated. Osceola McCarthy Adams, Marguerite Young Alexander, Winona Cargile Alexander...
MONA writes - History Assignment. You memorize...the founders of...Alpha Kappa Alpha...sorority incorporated.
MONA thinks - founders of Alpha
(MONA stops writing.)
MONA thinks - ...the founders...the founders...oh I know!
(MONA picks up her phone and dials.)
MONA - Hi Charmaine, this is Mona Ferguson.
CHARMAINE thinks - Oh gosh!
CHARMAINE - Uh...hello Mona.
MONA - This is your first test toward membership in my illustrious sorority!
CHARMAINE - Uh...okay.
MONA - You must...
(MONA gets her pen ready.)
MONA - must name for me all the founders of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority incorporated!
DERRICK has visited the Omega Psi Phi house to express his interest in being a member to both RONNIE and DEXTER. DERRICK's only reason is to have a greek affiliation in common with JUNE to try and win her back.
RONNIE - Derrick, you ain't never expressed an interest in Que. Why now?
(DERRICK smiles.)
DERRICK - Well look fellas...
(DERRICK looks around to see if anyone in the house is listening, as if what he is going to say is top secret information.)
DERRICK - I guess I can tell you guys the deal. Ha ha ha ha. Check this out.
(RONNIE and DEXTER listen.)
DERRICK - You remember my ex June right?
RONNIE - Yeah.
DERRICK - Well...I've been trying for a long time to get back with her and it just ain't workin'. I tried spending a lot of money on her, that didn't work. I tried to discredit her boyfriend, she wasn't feelin' that.
DEXTER - Uh huh.
DERRICK - So tonight, I was walkin' and thinkin'...what's the one way I can communicate better with June? Let her see things from my perspective, where we can really see eye to eye.
RONNIE - Yeah yeah.
DERRICK - And I concluded, that the only way for me to really get through to her is for me to be greek! I mean, she takes that greek shit mad serious! Which I think is cool of course, no disrespect intended.
(DEXTER just turns to stare at RONNIE.)
DERRICK - I saw this flier and that's when it hit me! I said, Derrick, if you were in a fraternity, June would listen to you. June would relate to you.
June and me would have something in common! June would come back to you! Ha ha ha!
(RONNIE laughs to himself.)
DERRICK - So that's why I came here! What do you guys think?
DEXTER - I'll be right back.
(DEXTER walks away laughing to himself.)
DEXTER - Ronnie, you can handle this right? Ha ha ha ha!
RONNIE - Uh...yeah. Um D...come over here and sit down.
(DERRICK smiles as he sits down.)
DERRICK - This must be the first thing yall do. Sit the new pledgees down and explain all the...pledging rules...huh? Ha ha! I love it!
RONNIE - Um no. Derrick, let me explain something to you my man. First of all, you just can't come up to a fraternity member and ask to be a member for some bullshit reason like the one you presented.
DERRICK - Bullshit? What are you talking about? I love June.
RONNIE - You probably do. I ain't debatin' that. But what does your love for June have anything to do with Omega Psi Phi fraternity incorporated? Or its ideals? Its mandates?
DERRICK - Uh...nothing I guess.
RONNIE - You're right. Absolutely nothing. You can't use our fraternity to win back a girl. We're a little more serious than that bruh. So you're gonna have to resort to another one of your hair brain schemes to get her back.
DERRICK - Damn. I hear ya man.
RONNIE - And secondly, if you had taken a second to read the flier, you'd see that this flier is for the Amgis College Ques. They are having their interest meeting next week and we here at Ahpla are just trying to support.
DERRICK - Oh okay!
RONNIE - Understand?
DERRICK - Yeah, I got it.
RONNIE- Good. Because if I didn't know you, I'd kick your ass for sayin' some dumb shit like that! Ha ha ha ha!
DERRICK - Damn. Well at least give me some advice man. I mean, everything I try fails. I tried to win her over with a horse drawn carriage. That didn't work!
RONNIE - That sounds phat!
DERRICK - Then I tried my best to discredit her man Buck. That shit didn't wor...
RONNIE - Wait, did you say Buck?
DERRICK - Yeah Buck. You know him?
RONNIE - Buck from Amgis College?
RONNIE - Buck on the basketball team?
DERRICK - Yeah! That's his ass! You know him?
(RONNIE pauses.)
RONNIE - Yeah, I know him! of the Amgis College Ques!
MONA is on the phone with CHARMAINE who is interested in Alpha Kappa Alpha. She is asking her questions about the sorority to create her own pledge book.
MONA - This is your first test toward membership in my illustrious sorority!
CHARMAINE - Uh...okay.
MONA - You must...
(MONA gets her pen ready.)
MONA - must name for me all the founders of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority incorporated!
CHARMAINE - Oh...okay. I can certainly do that.
MONA - Good. Let me hear it.
CHARMAINE - Norma Boyd.
(MONA writes in her book.)
MONA writes - Norma...Boyd.
CHARMAINE - Anna Easter Brown.
MONA writes - Anna...Easter...Brown
CHARMAINE - Beulah E. Burke.
MONA writes - Beulah...E....Burke
CHARMAINE - Lillian Burke.
MONA - Hey...slow down!
CHARMAINE - Oh sorry.
MONA - Say that last one again.
CHARMAINE - Lillian Burke.
MONA - Okay keep going.
CHARMAINE - Marjorie Hill.
MONA writes - Marjorie...Hill
CHARMAINE - Margaret Flagg Holmes.
MONA writes - Margaret...Flagg...Holmes
CHARMAINE - Ethel Hedgemann Lyle.
MONA - Uh huh. Keep going.
MONA writes - Ethel Hedgeman Lyle
CHARMAINE - Ethel Jones Mowbray.
MONA writes - Ethel...Jones...Mowbray
CHARMAINE - Alice P. Murray.
MONA writes - Alice...P....Murray
CHARMAINE - Lavinia Norman.
MONA writes - Lavinia...Norman
CHARMAINE - Sarah Meriweather Nutter.
MONA writes - Sarah...Meriweather...Nutter.
MONA - Uh're doing fine. Go ahead.
CHARMAINE - Joanna Berry Shields.
MONA writes - Joanna...Berry...Shields
CHARMAINE - Lucy Diggs Slowe.
MONA writes - Lucy...Diggs...Slowe.
CHARMAINE - Carrie Snowden .
MONA writes - Carrie...Snowden
CHARMAINE - Marie Woolfolk Taylor.
MONA writes - Marie...Woolfolk...Taylor.
CHARMAINE - Harriet J. Terry.
MONA writes - Harriet...J....Terry.
MONA - What happened?
CHARMAINE - What do you mean what happened?
MONA - You stopped. Why'd you stop?
CHARMAINE - Uh...because...I finished.
MONA - Oh! Hee hee, I didn't even hear you say uh...
(MONA glances down at what she just wrote.)
MONA - Soror Harriet Terry. Okay cool. Well you did a great job Charmaine. Very good. This speaks very highly of you in
CHARMAINE - Thank you.
MONA - You may get frequent calls from me like this, testing your knowledge of AKA history. So make sure you know your stuff.
CHARMAINE - Oh I will.
MONA - Good. I'll talk to you later.
(CHARMAINE and MONA hang up. CHARMAINE dials again.)
LINDA - Hello?
CHARMAINE - Hi Linda it's Charmaine. We met at Mona Ferguson's house.
LINDA - Oh yeah! Hi!
CHARMAINE - Linda, let me ask you a question.
LINDA - Sure.
CHARMAINE - What do you think about Mona?
LINDA - She seems real cool. I'm glad she decided to have that meeting, I really want to be an AKA so I was drawing in on everything she said. Why do you ask?
CHARMAINE -'s kinda weird.
LINDA - What's that?
(CHARMAINE pauses.)
CHARMAINE - She just called me and had me run down her if she didn't know them. Like, she was clearly writing them down or something. Something tells me that Mona Ferguson isn't all she presented herself to be and before I go any further, I plan to find out!
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