TY and ROBIN are in the 24 / 7 diner.
ROBIN - Thanks for meeting me here Ty.
TY - My pleasure.
(TY smiles.)
ROBIN - I know you're starvin' like me, you haven't eaten all day have you?
TY - Uh...no but I don't eat too heavy anyway so I may eat light right now.
ROBIN - Eat light? Whatever! Ha ha ha.
(TY laughs.)
TY - What do you think you're gonna get?
ROBIN - Probably a cheeseburger with the works. What about you?
TY - I'll get the same.
TY thinks - And force it down.
ROBIN - That's cool. So Ty...
(ROBIN places her menu down.)
ROBIN - ...let me ask you.
TY - Yeah.
ROBIN - Why hasn't a brother like you been tied down yet? Girls on this campus usually go koo koo for new Greeks on the yard.
(TY smiles.)
TY - I could ask you the same thing couldn't I? Nice lookin' girl like yourself? And I know how dudes are on the yard, so why aren't you hitched?
ROBIN - I asked you first.
TY - Ha ha ha ha, okay you got me. Well for me honestly, I just haven't met anyone interesting enough. Ya know?
ROBIN - Oh I can definitely feel you on that tip.
TY - But it's not like I'm really looking to get married right now anyway. I'm just chillin' ya know?
ROBIN - So let me ask you this. If you aren't looking for a girlfriend, then what's your purpose of dating? I thought that was the end result.
TY - I guess it can go that way. But it doesn't have to.
ROBIN - Well it would either go there or end. You can't just date a person forever.
TY - Why couldn't you?
ROBIN - Because after a while feelings get involved and you draw deeper into a person. Ya know? I mean, if you just date a person for like a year, what sense does that make?
TY - But what if you don't want to or aren't ready to leave the single life just yet?
ROBIN - Oh you wanna play the field for a little while. Is that what you're saying?
(TY laughs.)
TY - Naw naw naw, all I'm sayin' is...
WAITRESS - Hi, welcome to the twenty fo...hey...
(The waitress looks at TY.)
WAITRESS - Weren't you just here?
WILLIE is in her room on the phone with JASON.
JASON - You trying to go to the game on Saturday right?
WILLIE - Yeah, I guess.
JASON - You're not sure? We always go to the games together. What's wrong?
WILLIE - Oh nothing. I'll go.
JASON - Are you sure? You sound like you don't want to go and this is gonna be a big game, we're playing Hampton this weekend.
WILLIE - Yeah I know.
JASON - So what's up?
WILLIE - Nothing. I'll go.
JASON - Okay. Hey we should go to the movies on Friday night. We can see that Jason and Freddy movie.
WILLIE - What?
JASON - You know the scary movie with Jason and Freddy Kreuger from Nightmare on Elm Street.
WILLIE - Jason I don't want to see that. You know those kinds of movies give me nightmares.
JASON - Oh. Oh yeah. Well you wanna see something else?
WILLIE - Naw, not really.
JASON - What you wanna do on Friday then?
WILLIE - Um...
WILLIE - Can I call you right back?
JASON - Okay. Willie what's wrong?
WILLIE - Nothing, I'm just not feeling too good right now.
JASON - Oh, stomach issues? That time of the month?
WILLIE - No Jason. It isn't that.
WILLIE thinks - God!
WILLIE - I'll call you back.
JASON - Okay.
(They hang up. WILLIE sits silently for a few minutes then gets up and walks into the bathroom. She stares at herself in the mirror.)
WILLIE thinks - What am I doing?
(She drops her head. Her phone rings.)
WILLIE thinks - God please don't let this be J calling right back. I just need to think right now.
(She picks up the phone and looks at the display.)
(She answers.)
CHRISTIAN - Wassup girl, what's goin' on?
WILLIE - Nothin', what's up with you?
CHRISTIAN - Chillin'. Just called to see what you were doin'.
WILLIE - Actually, you got a minute? I think I need to talk.
CHRISTIAN - Yeah sure. What's up?
WAITRESS - Weren't you just in here a little while ago?
(ROBIN looks from the waitress over to TY.)
TY - Naw, I wasn't in here.
WAITRESS - You weren't?
(The waitress looks at ROBIN.)
WAITRESS - Oh, I'm sorry. I must have been mistaken. You know I see so many people every day. Ha ha ha.
TY - Yeah, ha ha.
WAITRESS - What can I get you guys?
TY - Um, two campus burgers. With the works.
WAITRESS - Anything to drink?
ROBIN - Coke.
TY - Two cokes.
WAITRESS - Okay, thanks.
(The waitress takes the menu.)
TY - I guess we all look alike huh? Ha ha ha ha.
ROBIN - I guess.
(ROBIN smiles.)
TY - Now what was I saying? Oh yeah, about me playin' the field. I'm not tryin' to be a player or anything. Not like that at all. I just want to keep my options open and date. Ya know, without hurting someone's feelings because they want more then I want to give.
ROBIN - I see.
TY - And I figure if I'm up front and honest about that from the beginning, then we can be clear and no feelings will ever get hurt.
ROBIN - Uh huh.
(The waitress brings the Cokes.)
TY - You see what I'm sayin'?
ROBIN - Yeah, I see you.
TY - So what do you think about that?
ROBIN - I think you're afraid of committment. But at least you're honest about where you are and what the expectations are. Are you always this honest?
TY - Yeah, it's the best way to be. Reduces drama.
ROBIN - How so?
TY - Let me give you an example. Let's say I tell you that I am dating you as well as dating someone else at Ahpla.
ROBIN - Okay.
TY - And I even go so far as to tell you who the other person is, which technically is none of your business. But I give that info up anyway.
ROBIN - Okay.
TY - Now let's say I'm chillin' on the yard one day with the bruhs, and you see me with a female. Chances are, it's the other girl that I told you about already. So you won't feel that I'm tryin' to play you out by being with someone else because you will know about her and she'll probably know about you. Feel me?
ROBIN - So honesty is the best policy in your book then huh?
TY - Yeah, it is. That's how I see it. If you're clear up front, there's no drama in the end. Don't you agree?
ROBIN - I fully agree one hundred percent. I feel you.
TY - Good.
ROBIN - So then let me ask you this.
TY - Sure.
ROBIN - Since you're honest Abe.
(TY laughs as he drinks his Coke.)
TY - Sure, go ahead.
ROBIN - Were you in here earlier like that waitress thought?
DERRICK checks into his room in Atlanta. As soon as he gets to his room, he puts his bag down and dials his cell phone.
CANDACE - Hello.
DERRICK - What's goin' on?
CANDACE - I am tired!
DERRICK - Oh...well okay then. I guess I'll talk to ya later.
CANDACE - Oh no, I wanna talk. I'm not sleepy, I just finished up with Alexis. That's all. I'm tired but glad it's over. That girl was on line forever!
DERRICK - Oh, ha ha ha ha ha!
CANDACE - I pledged harder than she did and I was only pledging her!
DERRICK - Good grief.
CANDACE - I was more happy than her! So I'm just relaxing now. I was waiting for you to land actually. Are you guys in the airport?
DERRRICK - No, I'm in the hotel already. My phone had died so I had to wait until I got to my room to plug it in and call you.
CANDACE - Oh okay. You ready for the game?
DERRICK - Yeah, I'm on a crazy roll. Coach may even start me. One of the assistant coaches told me.
CANDACE - Really! That's great! I'm so happy for you Derrick!
DERRICK - You should be. It's all thanks to you.
(CANDACE smiles.)
CANDACE - Oh whatever.
DERRICK - I'm serious Candace. It's just that you help me relax and when I do that, I really get into my game.
(CANDACE smiles harder.)
CANDACE - Glad I could help. How many did you score the last game?
DERRICK - Well, I scored twenty eight the first time coach put me in. Since then I scored thirty two, twenty seven, nineteen and thirty four.
CANDACE - Wow! That's great!
DERRICK - Thanks!
CANDACE - How many you gonna score for me tomorrow night?
DERRICK - What's your favorite number?
CANDACE - Twenty two of course!
DERRICK - Twenty two it is. I'll score twenty two for ya.
CANDACE - But wait, you gotta add six. My line number is six.
DERRICK - Okay then, twenty eight it is.
CANDACE - But wait, the year I pledged is...
DERRICK - Don't push it!
(They both laugh.)
DERRICK - Candace listen...
(DERRICK pauses.)
DERRICK - I got something I been meaning to ask you...and I think I wanna ask you now.
CANDACE - Oh...okay. Well...what is it Derrick?
WILLIE - I just need to talk to somebody. Ya know?
CHRISTIAN - Sure girl, what's the matter?
CHRISTIAN - Are you okay?
WILLIE - I don't know Chris. I don't know.
CHRISTIAN - What happened?
WILLIE - I did something real stupid the other day. Real stupid.
(WILLIE pauses.)
WILLIE - I kissed Dexter.
CHRISTIAN - You what!
WILLIE - Yeah. I kissed him.
CHRISTIAN - Did you have sex with him?
WILLIE - Oh no no! It wasn't like that!
WILLIE - But we did kiss. A lot.
CHRISTIAN - What are you gonna do?
WILLIE - I don't know. I mean, I got a good man in Jason.
WILLIE - I mean Jason is great. He's all I could ever ask for. He treats me with respect.
WILLIE - He cares so much about me. He does the little things that matter.
WILLIE - Last week he gave me a card. But he made it himself.
CHRISTIAN - Oh that's nice.
WILLIE - So I don't know why I trip. I mean, if I married Jason, I know I'd be happy. He's smart and I know he'd be such a good father. I wouldn't have to worry about anything.
CHRISTIAN - Except...
WILLIE - Except what?
CHRISTIAN - Except passion. Jason is all great and fine and dandy. But he doesn't move you the way Dexter does. There's a passion there. An excitement. And that's why you can't leave Dex alone. He pushes your buttons.
WILLIE - No, he pushes my nerves!
(CHRISTIAN laughs.)
CHRISTIAN - You know I'm tellin' the truth.
WILLIE - I just need to stop acting stupid and devote more of myself to Jason.
CHRISTIAN - No, what you need to do is be fair to Jason and break up with him.
WILLIE - What!
CHRISTIAN - Willie, you do like him. But he's too nice to be cheated on. That isn't fair to him.
CHRISTIAN - Look, I know I aint the one to be preachin' about good and bad relationships. Lord knows I done fucked up some.
WILLIE - Christian!
CHRISTIAN - I'm just keepin' it real. But the fact is, Jason is a nice guy and he will never be to you what Dexter is or what you want him to be. He will always be that nice guy.
WILLIE - Well what's wrong with that?
CHRISTIAN - Nice guys finish last.
WILLIE - But why should I let go of nine out of ten good things that Jason has for one that he doesn't?
CHRISTIAN - Because that one is most important Willie.
WILLIE - Well I think I just need to calm my hot ass down and take a cold shower. Then I'll be fine and I can be to Jason what he is to me.
CHRISTIAN - Suit yourself. Just stay as far away from Dexter as you can my friend.
DERRICK has checked into his hotel room in Atlanta and is on the phone with CANDACE.
DERRICK - Candace listen...
(DERRICK pauses.)
DERRICK - I got something I been meaning to ask you...and I think I wanna ask you now.
CANDACE - Oh...okay. Well...what is it Derrick?
(DERRICK pauses.)
DERRICK - My next game is in Denver and then after that we go to Dallas.
CANDACE - Uh huh.
DERRICK - I wanted to know if you could meet me in Dallas. Like if I sent you a ticket.
DERRICK - After the game, we got a coujple days off. So you and I can chill in Dallas for a day or two. You know, go out to eat, hit the mall. Whatever.
DERRICK - Next week Friday.
CANDACE - Next week Friday?
DERRICK - What kind of classes do you have?
CANDACE - I have two classes on Friday.
DERRICK - Well the game is at night and I can get you a direct flight.
DERRICK - What you think?
CANDACE - I don't know Derrick. I hate for you to spend like that for me.
DERRICK - It's no problem, really. I'd love for you to come.
CANDACE - Well...
DERRICK - It'll be fun.
CANDACE - What kind of sleeping arrangements would it be?
DERRICK - What would you like?
CANDACE - Um...can you get a room with two beds?
DERRICK - I can do you one better, I can get adjoining rooms if you want. That way you can sleep right next door.
CANDACE - Is that more money for you to spend?
DERRICK - Not really. Don't worry about it.
CANDACE - Derrick...
DERRICK - Candace, I wanna do this for you. I think we'll have a great time. So what do ya say? Don't worry about the money. I've got plenty.
(CANDACE pauses before she answers.)
DERRICK - Good! I can't wait!
CANDACE - Me neither. It'll be good to see you.
DERRICK - It'll be good to see you too.
CANDACE - Well D, let me get some sleep. I have an early class tomorrow.
DERRICK - Okay. Give me a call when you get out of class.
CANDACE - I will. Bye Derrick.
(They hang up. DERRICK lays back and grabs the remote.)
DERRICK thinks - Damn, I gotta score twenty eight. Ha ha ha ha ha, no sweat.
(DERRICK turns the tv on and kicks his shoes off.)
DERRICK thinks - I gotta make sure I score a crazy amount against Dallas because Cand...
(His room phone rings.)
DERRICK thinks - I know this is one of the niggas from the squad probably foolin' around! These fools don't know when to quit, they sillier than the team at school.
(DERRICK puts the remote down and answers the phone.)
DERRICK - Wassup!
CARYN - Derrick it's Caryn.
DERRICK - Caryn? How did...
CARYN - I know you got a game in Atlanta. Yall always stay at the same hotel in Atlanta. It wasn't hard to find you. And since you all of a suddemn don't answer your cell when I call, I had to call you this way.
DERRICK - I hear ya. What can I do for you Caryn?
CARYN - I got some news for you. And maybe this will get your attention since you chose to abandon me and Lil Derrick.
DERRICK - Caryn I didn't...
CARYN - Bobby called me and is requesting a DNA test.
(DERRICK sits up.)
CARYN - Bobby wants a DNA test done to see if he is actually the father.
DERRICK - I thought that was already done.
DERRICK - Wait a fuckin' minute! That means that...
(DERRICK pauses.)
CARYN - Yeah...exactly.
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